The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Leo Season

Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Leo Season

Your definitive guide to the astrology of this season

     Say au revoir to the weepy, shrinking-violet ways of Cancer season and let your inner exhibitionist come out and play. On July 22, the Sun shifts into the feisty, fun and so freaking fabulous fire sign Leo. With this solar shift comes a shift in focus, as Leo Season brings an influx of heat, light, willpower and star-power to the area of your life ruled by the fixed fire sign.  

     Leo season, which runs from July 22 through Aug. 22, is a season of pride, confidence, showmanship and charisma. Leo has a deep need to be seen, appreciated, and applauded by others for its creativity and self-expression. This is why the season is so flashy! It’s also why it can be a time of increased  vanity, arrogance, hot-headedness and force. So, you know, be mindful of that, I guess. 

    Anyway! With the Sun in the Royal sign of the Lion, you want to be not just seen, but also recognized and applauded. Which is why everything done during Leo season is done with purpose and flair. You don’t just go to the beach in a swimsuit during Leo season, you go in a star-studded bikini with gold-plated shades and a leopard print parasol. This is the season to do anything and everything to catch people’s eye and grab their attention. If that means, grinding and gliding on the dance floor in a hot-pink fuchsia bra, panties, and ankle boots SO BE IT. 

    Naturally, this is a great time of the year for self-promotion and purposeful passionate pounces towards your desires. It’s also a wonderful time to pursue your passions with equal parts glam and gusto! (because Leo always looks good while going after what it wants.) So, if you're aiming to be the next social media star or top Substack writer, now’s the time to lay it all out on the line and risk being seen in ALL of your glory. Confidence is in YOUR corner. 

     Just don’t forget to celebrate others! Yes, Leo season urges you, me, and everyone around us to shine and be seen, to sparkle and shine, but it also encourages you, me, and everyone around us to applaud one another. Which makes sense: Kings and Queens always acknowledge the people whom they serve.  

     That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or do creative things during 2024 Leo season. In fact, Leo is the sign of arts and entertainment. (Don’t believe me? Check out “Leo: the Headliner”, my ebook on the fire sign.) So, why not fuse a little bit of fun and Hollywood starlet energy into your everyday life? Think of your next job interview as a promo for your next TV show; your next date as a much-anticipated cameo, and your next backyard BBQ as a red carpet appearance! Let your hair down! Get creative! Act, sing, dance, and give yourself full permission to SHINE.

     Of course when and how you’ll become a star or dabble in drama depends entirely on this season’s transits. So, without further ado:

Your Cosmic Weather Forecast for Leo Season

     Buckle up, cuties: the cosmic weather for this year’s Leo Season is one-degree short of total mayhem. Let’s explore why that is, shall we?

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The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Join Camille, aka Cosmic Cannibal (a Gemini, writer, and astrologer) as she reports on the astrological happenings of the week. Equal parts astrological resource and talk show, The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast (formerly known as Cosmic Chronicles) explores all things astrology, from zodiac signs and planets, to compatibility, monthly forecasts and horoscopes, and even astrology fiction stories.