The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Gemini Season

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Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2024 Gemini Season

All the astrology for the next 30 days

     Toodle loo, Taurus! It’s been fun, but your days are done. On May 20th, the Sun shifts into chatty and charming Gemini, kicking off a brand new zodiac sign season of curiosity, connection, and communication. Lasting until June 20th, Gemini season brings a whirlwind of activity, change, and maybe even a little commotion. Oh, btw: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI!!!

     Soooo, yes: Gemini is now in charge, steering the zodiac ship—and it’s moving you, me, and everyone else into exciting, new, once-every-12-year territory. But before we get to what’s going on during Gemini season, let’s talk a bit about the sign and season itself. 

     As you probably already know, Gemini is an air sign, and in astrology, air is the element of the mind. It helps us rationalize, synthesize, and express our thoughts. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of thinking, speaking, writing, and learning, Gemini’s main goal is to communicate and learn from others. As the only mutable air sign in the zodiac, Gemini’s inherent adaptability and shapeshifting skills are channeled through the mind. This usually manifests as swiftness in thought, speech, writing, along with changing ideas, changing viewpoints, changing direction, annnnnd hyper-curiosity.

     One of the more interesting things about this sign is its duality. Represented by the Twins, Gemini is at once logical and imaginative, funny and serious, witty and wise…because of this sign’s duality, Gemini seldom ever commits to any one single thing. That’s because Gemini’s bigger role in astrology is to move around and pollinate! During Taurus season, we build. We plant seeds and tend to the soil. But during Gemini season, the flowers and plants (i.e. the ideas, the goals, the projects) have bloomed and they are in desperate need of circulation. 

Key Gemini Season Themes

     Gemini season is all about Pollination! Just as bees flit from flower to flower, spreading pollen and facilitating growth, Gemini energy encourages us to connect, share ideas, and foster new relationships. It's a time of Propagation, where thoughts and conversations multiply, leading to new opportunities and collaborations. We also see an increase in the Circulation of information. Ideas move quickly, news travels fast, and there's a buzz of activity in our daily lives. This is the season to be curious, to explore different perspectives, and to stay open to the myriad of possibilities that come your way.

     During Gemini season, the emphasis is on Spreading the word! Whether it's through social media, casual conversations, or public speaking, this is the perfect time to get your message out there. It's about Broadcasting your thoughts, making your voice heard, and engaging with the world around you. Mental and social stimulation reign supreme, and so does change. Be prepared to say out with the old and in with the new, at least for now.

     Gemini season also brings trickery and duality. Its ruler Mercury, is the trickster planet, and its glyph is The Twins. So, with Gemini and Gemini season, there are always two sides to every story. So, for the next four weeks, you may find yourself pursuing two people, goals, or jobs simultaneously. The tricky part is knowing which you want more. Expect to flit from one idea and social circle to the next. And maybe you start a handful of new projects, and make plans only to change them the very next day.

     While the Gemini Sun makes us charming and witty, it can also make us superficial and fickle. Emotional coolness, gossipy conversations, and trickery, especially in your love life, may arise. You could be chasing after anything fun and exciting, flexing your intellect, charming people with words, and shifting perspectives. But beware: inattentiveness, distractions, and lack of commitment can be the downsides. So, enjoy the wit and ingenuity of Gemini season, but stay mindful of its potential pitfalls.

YOUR Cosmic Weather Forecast for 2024 Gemini Season

May 20 – Sun enters Gemini

May 23 – Sagittarius Full Moon, Jupiter conjunct Venus, Jupiter sextile Neptune, Venus enters Gemini

May 25 – Jupiter enters Gemini

May 31 – Mercury conjoins Uranus 

June 2 – Mercury & Jupiter trine Retrograde Pluto

June 3 – Mercury enters Gemini

June 4 – Venus cazimi in Gemini

June 6 – Gemini New Moon

June 9 – Mars enters Taurus

June 11 – Mars squares Retrograde Pluto

June 16 – Venus squares Neptune

June 17 – Venus enters Cancer, Mercury squares Neptune, Mercury enters Cancer

June 20 – Sun squares Neptune

     The cosmic weather for 2024 Gemini season is PACKED. Seriously, there is so much happening during the next 30 days (I would expect no less from the zodiac’s most active busy body), that I don’t know if I can cover it all. So, I’m gonna talk about the MAJOR planetary transits (ingresses, retrogrades, that sort of thing) and save the minor transits for our This Week’s Astrology series. Still, it's important to save these dates in your planner or iPhone calendar. Better yet, you could become a member of my astrology community, The Cosmic Collective, and let my FREE 2024 Cosmic Calendar do that for you. Your choice. 

     Anyway! Long story short, Gemini rules much of the roost, with the Sun, Venus, Mercury, AND Jupiter all colluding in the mutable air sign. So, let’s dive into what these transits mean for YOU.

May 23 – Sagittarius Full Moon & Venus enters Gemini

Who’s Impacted MOST: Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

     Get ready to party, peeps! The Sagittarius Full Moon is all about adventure and expansion, so take that spontaneous road trip or sign up for that pottery class you’ve been eyeing. Meanwhile, Venus cozies up with Jupiter, they both get frisky with Neptune before Venus sashays into Gemini, bringing charm and flirtation to the forefront. Love notes, witty banter, and flirty texts are your new best friends. Time to channel your inner romantic comedian!

May 25 – Jupiter enters Gemini

Who’s Impacted MOST: EVERYONE, but especially air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

     After what feels like EONS, the planet of plenty is FINALLY moving out of Taurus. And as I mentioned in this video on TikTok, it's during Jupiter in Gemini that you will MOST LIKELY see the fruits of your labor bloom. I'm talking MAJOR bloomage, like burgeoning blossoms. Yep, all those seeds you've (hopefully) been planting? They’re about to bloom into a garden of success. Think major growth, new opportunities, and a sprinkle of luck in your communications and connections. If you’ve been hustling, expect some serious rewards.

     In Gemini, Jupiter is ~technically~ in detriment, meaning some of the planet’s qualities don’t function as optimally. HOWEVER, Jupiter is such a positive, constructive planet in astrology, that I’m not too worried about this detriment. Jupiter is never “bad” or negative, as that detriment label connotes. Most likely, this “detrimental” energy will manifest as scatterbrained-ness, pursuing too many things at one time, getting too much in your head. So, as long as you stay mindful of that, you’ll be good to go. 

     Get the LOWDOWN on 2024 Jupiter in Gemini with my 10-page digital guide. It’s FREE to members of The Cosmic Collective.

     Ready to dive deeper into the magic of Jupiter in Gemini? My debut novel, Jupiter Returns is your perfect companion for this transit—a fun, fresh, and funny story that brings astrology to life. Don't miss out on this enchanting story that mirrors the very energy of Jupiter in Gemini. Learn more about Jupiter Returns, here. And vote for YOUR favorite novel cover art here.

June 3 – Mercury enters Gemini (Planet Parade Day)

Who’s Impacted MOST: (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

     Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet, comes home and it's a brainy bonanza! Your thoughts will be quicker, your conversations sharper, and your social calendar busier than ever. Plus, with the planet parade in the sky, there’s a cosmic spectacle that’s perfect for stargazing and getting inspired. Get your telescopes ready and prepare for some stellar ideas.

June 6 – Gemini New Moon

Who’s Impacted MOST: Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

    New moons mean new beginnings, and in Gemini, it’s all about fresh starts in communication, learning, and socializing. Time to launch that blog, start a book club, or finally introduce yourself to that cute neighbor. Set your intentions now for witty banter, clever ideas, and intellectual adventures. Your new mantra: “I think, therefore I am fabulous.”

June 9 – Mars enters Taurus

Who’s Impacted MOST: Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

     Mars, the planet of action, moves into steady Taurus, urging us to take a more grounded approach to our ambitions. It’s time to hustle with a purpose, focusing on long-term goals rather than quick wins. Think slow and steady progress, with a dash of stubborn determination. Channel your inner bull and power through those projects.

June 17 – Venus & Mercury enter Cancer

     Who’s Impacted MOST: Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

     Venus and Mercury cozy up in Cancer, shifting the vibe to all things homey and heartfelt. It’s a perfect time for deep conversations, heartfelt letters, and nurturing your relationships. Expect emotional exchanges, family gatherings, and a touch of nostalgia. Get ready to pour your heart out and connect on a deeper level.

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The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Join Camille, aka Cosmic Cannibal (a Gemini, writer, and astrologer) as she reports on the astrological happenings of the week. Equal parts astrological resource and talk show, The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast (formerly known as Cosmic Chronicles) explores all things astrology, from zodiac signs and planets, to compatibility, monthly forecasts and horoscopes, and even astrology fiction stories.