The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
What the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Means for YOU

What the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Means for YOU

Plus, your breakdown of July 15 through July 21. LISTEN NOW

     This is certainly a super-charged, emotionally heightened week. Not only because it follows a weekend assassination attempt, but also because of the astrology. More precisely, because of Mars. In typical fashion, the red planet brings loads of action this third week of July. First, it joins forces with the rebel planet with a cause, Uranus, which could bring a bit of shocking news; Mars then sidles up with Neptune Rx, revving up your hunger to escape this madcap world in which we live. THEN, Mars moves into chatty and restless Gemini, amping up the already high-strung nervous system of the collective. Oh, and Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on Tuesday, throwing yet another wrench into this operation. This is ALL before the Full Moon on Sunday. So, it’s a busy week full of heightened emotions. Take breaks and time to yourself if and when you can! That is, of course, the gist of this week. Here’s the actual astrology:  

July 15 – Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus, 26°18’

July 16 – Mercury enters its retrograde shadow phase, 21° Leo

July 18 — Sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus

July 19 – Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune Rx in Pisces, 29° 51’

July 19 – Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries, 23° 23’

July 20 – Venus in Leo trines North Node in Aries, 10° 13’

July 20 – Mars enters Gemini

July 21 – Full Moon in 29° Capricorn 

July 21– Mercury squares Uranus

July 21 – Venus sextiles Jupiter in Gemini

🚩July 15 – Mars conjunct Uranus

     So, this is one of those red flag astrology moments. Why? Because nobody likes Mars or Uranus, and we certainly don’t like when they come together like this. Mostly because the conjunction could initiate a startling or disruptive change. Or it could bring some potentially unsettling news. Hopefully, it could also just brings an out-of-the-blue opportunity to take action towards a new path, new goal or venture. I honestly don’t know. The problem here lies with Uranus, the rabble-rouser planet that loves to stir the pot and cause a ruckus. How will Uranus cause a ruckus? Well, that’s the other problem. It’s near impossible to map out or predict what Uranus will do, because it is literally the planet of the unexpected.

     Fractious is the word to describe this Mars conjunct Uranus transit, because Mars is irritable and, and Uranus is an anarchist at heart. Things will get loud, and they may get a little heated, or disorderly. (As a result, you may feel restless, nervous, anxious, irritable, pissed off, terrified, etc.) Remember: both of these planets are in Taurus, a sign that loves its comfort and stability way too much to risk losing it, so comfort and stability might get a little shaken and stirred, but not to the point of disrepair. Comfort is also the antidote to all of this. Feel-good comfort foods, cozy romcoms, and maybe a massage will help combat the stress of this conjunction. Because here’s the thing: it’s so easy to look at this transit with fear and cast so many fretful “what-ifs” about it, but there’s a constructive reverse side: Mars can bring heaps of courage to stand up for what’s right and rally for a worthy cause (like, say, unity); and Uranus can bring about change that, though sudden, is necessary because it shakes you awake.

For a better understanding of where this conjunction is impacting YOU, check out your Mars in Taurus Horoscope, and this article on Uranus in Taurus.

🔄 July 16 – Mercury enters Pre-Retrograde Shadow

     This is a precursor to Mercury Retrograde, which starts Aug. 4 (the same day as the Leo new moon. Yay!), so you can think of it as a teaser trailer of the main motion picture. Mercury Retrograde-type mishaps—delays, flubs, mixed messages, apps on the fritz—may start to pop up mirroring the bigger issues in need of attention. Are they meltdown-worthy mishaps? No, but you shouldn’t ignore them. Use this pre-retrograde shadow time to start reviewing, reflecting, and refining. Do this, and you’ll be in tip-top shape for Mercury Retrograde… 

To get a better idea of what to review, check out YOUR Mercury in Leo horoscope.

⚡July 18 — Sun sextiles Uranus

     Expect the unexpected, but in a good way. You might find innovative solutions to long-standing issues or feel a sudden urge to redecorate your space with quirky touches that reflect your unique personality. Embrace change, and let your intuition guide you through these exciting shifts. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new ways of expressing your emotions and creativity…

🔮 July 19 – Mars sextiles Neptune Rx

     If ever there was a signal to take a break from all the furor and lose yourself in a bit of fantasy, it’s July 19. This could also be a day of deception (because Neptune is like that)—in fact, I could see July 19 as the day where we hear breaking news about someone denying involvement, acting like a victim, or raising a false alarm about something (Monday’s astrology maybe?). More than likely, it’s a day where you, me, and the rest of the sane people in the world just want to slip into an escape pod. If you’re a creative person—writer, artist, musician—maybe your escape pod is your novel, album, or newest art project… 

Get YOUR Neptune in Pisces horoscope here.  

🗣️ July 19 – Mercury trines Chiron

     Ouch, my pride. When the messenger / microphone planet connects with Chiron, it’s a great time to talk about or write about what ails you. Up to a point. That these two celestial bodies are in the two most egocentric, easily-offended signs means that conversations will only go so far as your pride will allow. That said, Aries and Leo are exceptionally skilled at being authentic, real, and raw. Thus, old wounds about your self-esteem or leadership could be revisited, and maybe even healed and put to bed. Chiron is the wound, but also the medicine; we get to the medicine by talking about the wound in an authentic, raw way… 

Learn more about Chiron in Aries with these horoscopes.

🌟 July 20 – Venus trines North Node

     Your hunger for achievement, glory, and applause reaches a ravenous peak. Which means it’s a good day to ask yourself: what do I want to achieve, be recognized and applauded for? If you don’t have the answer, that’s cool. The North Node is an eclipse point and a point of ~destiny~; Venus is the planet of beauty, sweetness, and harmony. So, you could have a fleeting moment of ease, where your heart and creative spark feel aligned with what you want to pioneer. There’s also (again) something about leadership and the future. Tbh, this is more likely to show up on your notifications… 

Check out YOUR Venus in Leo Horoscope here.

👯‍♂️ July 20 – Mars enters Gemini

     Have you ever been so sleep deprived yet busy, that you had to guzzle a massive cup of coffee so you could get the physical and mental energy you needed to tackle your numerous to-dos? That’s pretty much the vibe of Mars in Gemini: you’re physically and mentally charged. Expect to zip towards new experiences and get hyped about learning / exploring new things (and then equally hyped about sharing what you learn) eager to talk about what we learn. And accept that you’ll probably want to be and stay on the go. At least until September… 

Your Mars in Gemini Horoscope (including key dates for the transit!) arrives July 17. Become a paid subscriber to read it in FULL. 

🌕 July 21 – Full Moon in 29° Capricorn

     The second full moon of Cancer season brings another conclusion. Or culmination. Or celebration. Whatever is wrapping up, reaching its peak or being released, you can be sure there’s equal parts urgency, nostalgia, and wistfulness. Why? Because this full moon marks the end of Cancer season, and Cancer loves to reflect and reminisce. Plus, it’s taking place at 29°, a critical and anaretic degree; which in plain English means there’s an accompanying sense of urgency to finish what you started (back in, say, January), and to let go / move forward.

     Lastly, thanks to a tense opposition to Pluto and a dreamy alignment with Neptune Rx, this second and last Capricorn full moon of 2024 has an extra bit of romanticism that could see you wistfully pining for something from the past or for something that hasn’t yet happened yet. Either way, it makes reality that much harder to grasp onto…

Your Capricorn Full Moon horoscope, including in-depth analysis of its opposition to Pluto Rx, and the Mercury square Uranus and Venus sextile Jupiter transits arrives July 19… Upgrade to paid to get FULL access!

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+Are YOU a Cancer celebrating your b-day this week? Discover what the next 365 days means for YOU with a Solar Return Birth Chart Reading. Get a detailed roadmap of the opportunities, challenges, and transformative moments awaiting you in your next year.

+ Annnd, if you haven’t heard the news: I’m launching my debut novel, Jupiter Returns, a laugh-out-loud comedy-romance about an aspiring astrologer who navigates fierce competition, a surprise about her identity, and a new romance during her Jupiter Return. Jupiter Returns is launching soon. Be sure to follow me on TikTok to watch my self-publishing journey unfold!

The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Join Camille, aka Cosmic Cannibal (a Gemini, writer, and astrologer) as she reports on the astrological happenings of the week. Equal parts astrological resource and talk show, The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast (formerly known as Cosmic Chronicles) explores all things astrology, from zodiac signs and planets, to compatibility, monthly forecasts and horoscopes, and even astrology fiction stories.