The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Pluto in Aquarius 2024 -- What You NEED to Know

Pluto in Aquarius 2024 -- What You NEED to Know

Understanding this MAJOR planetary shift

Do you want to know what Pluto in Aquarius has in store for YOU and your sign? Want in-depth horoscopes for working with and navigating the twists and turns of this MAJOR planetary shift??

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  Ok, now onto the astrology.

It’s almost here, one of the biggest, most important transits of 2024: Pluto in Aquarius. If you’ve been following me on TikTok or Instagram, or you’ve gotten a 2024 chart reading with me, then you already know that on Jan. 20, Pluto, the planet of transformation, destruction and regeneration, enters progressive, innovative and tech-obsessed air sign Aquarius. And I’m not joking, hyperbolizing, or exaggerating when I say that this transit is a HUGE DEAL

     Just to put it into astrological context for you: Pluto, being one of the slowest-moving planets in our solar system, changes signs approximately every 12 to 31 years. Its orbit is irregular, and its time in each zodiac sign can vary due to its elliptical orbit and eccentricity. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1799, a significant phase in history, which included events like the American Revolution (1775–1783) and the French Revolution (1789–1799). These revolutions brought about substantial political, social, and ideological changes, reflecting the transformative and authority-defiant influence of Pluto in Aquarius.        

     Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. Before we start talking about revolutions and history-defining moments for nations & the collective, let’s first talk about Pluto.

Pluto Meaning in Astrology

     As astrology’s notorious planet of destruction and rebirth, Pluto is often linked to profound transformations, representing the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. The planet symbolizes the power of regeneration and renewal, highlighting the transformative potential in personal and collective experiences. 

     As ruler of Scorpio & the 8th House, Pluto governs the depths of the subconscious mind and intense emotional experiences. It is thus associated with power dynamics, both personal and in relationships, reflecting themes of control, empowerment, and surrender. It represents the process of catharsis and the release of pent-up energy, leading to personal growth and evolution. Taking its namesake from the Roman Pluto, the god of the underworld, Pluto rules the hidden or unseen forces, and the subconscious. 

     In mundane astrology, Pluto is associated with hidden wealth, powerful secrets, as well as global and societal transformations, indicating significant shifts in power structures, political landscapes, and cultural paradigms. The outer planet can signify periods of intense reform, upheaval, and revolutions, as seen in historical events that reshape the course of nations. Pluto is linked to societal evolution, symbolizing the collective processes of death and rebirth, both metaphorically and literally.

     Now, let’s talk about Aquarius.

Aquarius meaning in Astrology

    Despite having the word “aqua” in its name and having wave-like lines in its glyph, Aquarius is not a water sign, it is an air sign—and one of the quirkiest, most stubborn, most inventive, and socially-conscious air signs to boot. You can thank the sign’s planetary ruler’s Saturn & Uranus for that. Saturn brings structure, discipline, and responsibility, while Uranus introduces innovation, rebellion, and progressive thinking. Despite being so zany and rebellious, Aquarius is equally (and surprisingly) dedicated—mostly to its ideas, ideals, and visions of the future. 

     Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, pouring water from a vessel. This symbolizes the flow of knowledge and the sharing of wisdom for the betterment of humanity. As an air sign (air being the element of the mind), Aquarius is linked with intellect, communication, and the exchange of ideas. 

     Culturally and collectively speaking, Aquarius is often linked with humanitarian causes, emphasizing collective well-being and social equality. The fixed air sign governs friendships, groups, and associations. Aquarius is also associated with advancements in technology, scientific breakthroughs, and the digital age. It signifies unconventional and avant-garde cultural movements that challenge traditional norms.

Pluto in Aquarius Meaning in Astrology

Pluto in Aquarius 2024 transit meaning in astrology

     The combination of Pluto’s transformative, intense and empowering energies with Aquarius’ innovative, imaginative, and socially-conscious nature makes for quite an interesting 20-year cycle. Oh, did I mention Pluto is transiting Aquarius for the next 20 or so years? Because it is. That’s another reason why this transit is SO FREAKING MAJOR—it’s obviously aiming to usher in some social, political, and technological changes. The other reasons why Pluto in Aquarius is such a MAJOR planetary transit? 

     Whatever sign it transits, Pluto aims to bring that sign’s secrets, shadows, and unseen energies to the forefront. In Capricorn, one of the cardinal earth signs, Pluto exhumed our collective fascination with tradition, money (i.e.: greed), materialism, and the effects of said greed and materialism (fossil fuel dependence, the bank bailout of 2008, capitalism, etc.). 

Now, in Aquarius, Pluto is likely to bring our collective fascination with the future—both the bleak and the promising versions—to the forefront, along with UFOs, aliens / alien invasions, artificial intelligence, robots, and the pervasive fear of technology taking us over. 

     However, because Aquarius is an air sign so concerned with the ethics and fair treatment of humanity, Pluto in Aquarius might also bring about another societal revolution. (I don’t say this to scare you, btw.) Remember what I said earlier? The American & French Revolutions brought about substantial political, social, and ideological changes, reflecting the transformative and authority-defiant influence of Pluto in Aquarius. This last bit about “authority-defiance” is something to pay attention to, because Aquarius LOVES to defy authority—almost as much as it loves its freedom, independence, and robots. 

     This doesn’t mean that come Jan. 20, there’s suddenly going to be another revolution. Astrology doesn’t work that way. (In fact, you must always keep in mind that astrology is not the only factor influencing historical events, but it can provide a symbolic framework for understanding certain themes during specific periods.) However, Aquarius’ passion for pissing off the people in charge, and gaining/preserving its freedom are definitely driving forces for Pluto’s destructive / transformative energy—especially within the context of the American and French Revolutions. But these traits of Aquarius can also be a good thing.

     With Pluto in Aquarius we might see incredible advancements in technology and medicine for the betterment of society. We might find a cure for cancer, find a way to reverse global warming, find ways to make education, technology, information, medicine and food more readily available for people all over the world. We might see massive improvements, massive liberations, widespread altruism and political / structural improvements. We might see more of the good stuff and less of the dystopian hellscape / sci-fi B-movie AI-is-taking-over-the-world stuff. In fact, I’m sure we will.

Feeling the weight of life and astrology's disappointments as you step into 2024? I get it—and I’m here to help.

+If you’re struggling to understand what to do as you head into 2024, check out my 2024 Birth Chart Reading. This reading dives into the transits, themes, and opportunities specific to you and YOUR birth chart, to help you master the astrology of 2024.

+Transform YOUR 2024, and infuse it with new energy and purpose with the Cosmic Collective, my brand new astrology membership community. 

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The Cosmic Almanac
The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast
Join Camille, aka Cosmic Cannibal (a Gemini, writer, and astrologer) as she reports on the astrological happenings of the week. Equal parts astrological resource and talk show, The Cosmic Cannibal Podcast (formerly known as Cosmic Chronicles) explores all things astrology, from zodiac signs and planets, to compatibility, monthly forecasts and horoscopes, and even astrology fiction stories.